Oh right, that's what it's about

Since this is my blog, I guess I can write about whatever I want. Yes? Yes.

The thing is, in the end the title I chose is Life Quest (and other stuff) and NOT Other Stuff (and life quest). I seemed to have forgotten this a little, so here goes an attempt to get back on track.

(Deep breath, here I go.)

What do I want from life?

Happiness: definitely.
Wealth: enough to be comfortable.
Cheese: of course.

Is that it? Should that be it? How do I get it?

Mmmm, time to dust of the cobwebs from my cranial cavity and do some thinking.

What do they say... Have you ever stopped to think and forgot to start again?


  1. i have those questions swirling in my mind too...

    Ps - love cheese - must have it


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