Today’s gonna be a good good day

There are some songs you instantly like. You hear the first opening notes of the intro and your ears tingle in anticipation of what is to come. Then there are the songs you instantly despise. You hear the first notes and in an attempt of self protection you cover your ears with your hands and mumble, my ears are bleeding, my ears are bleeding.

Then there’s the other type. The grow-on-you type.

Upon first listen you might think: what colour of crap is this? But as time passes, you find yourself humming along when it comes on the radio, and before you know it you are belting it out in the shower.

I Gotta Feeling by the Black Eyed Peas is one of those songs.

I gotta feeling...
That tonight's gonna be a good night
That tonight's gonna be a good night
That tonight's gonna be a good good night

And it has reached the point where it not only reinforces the possibility of a good good night. I have even cunningly adapted it for daytime use.

Thank you, Black Eyed Peas.


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