Here's to the new year

I may have mentioned before, that somehow this year just wouldn't start for me. I did new years, lifted my glass (although it was 7 minutes past the hour) and even made a resolution: being happy.

So I had high hopes for the weekend past. Our holiday for the year transition existed out of a whirlwind astronomical tour. With way too much luggage (sprogs need a lot of crap) we boarded the bus on Friday morning and put foot on Cape Town soil last night again.

I am tired as hell this day. As stars are viewed at night (with exception of our sun of course) and I have now learnt that my sproglet hardly sleeps* during the day while on tour, I think the excessive yawning on my part can be forgiven.

The bad news: I can't become a proper astronomer**, and I so badly want to today.

The good news: Even through my sleepy eyes I think I can see this new year at last.

So I lift my glass one more time: Happy New Year!

* He must have been seriously tired though, coz he has been sleeping (and is still) for a couple of hours today. More than his usual afternoon naps.

** I say proper astronomer, as I definitely am an amateur astronomer. And don't feel too bad for me. I do love being a designer/writer, and have realised that there is scope for me to do a lot more in the astronomy field as well. Yay!


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