Busy day for lawyers

I read on fellow blogger Shell’s blog that today is the busiest day for divorce lawyers.

The quote reads:
A study has shown that January 8th is the busiest day of the year for divorce lawyers when up to one in five couples will enquire about divorce after the pressures of Christmas. The enforced intimacy of Christmas, coupled with the start of a new year is thought to be the main trigger. The other peak in the year is after the summer holidays. Adultery, lack of sex, abuse and boredom were the main causes of divorce enquiries. Studies show that fewer than 40% of those who divorce will be happier.
Daily Telegraph 8th January 2007

It really doesn’t help that in SA Christmas/new year and summer holidays just happen to be at the same time.


I am thankful to say that this year I will not be visiting the lawyer’s office. Partly because I still don’t have a car and there is no way I’m walking in this heat, but mostly because hubbie and I are in a really good place. Combine that with my new year’s resolution of happiness, and we seem to be safe for another year. (Melodramatically wipes forehead.)

But sadly, after a quick Google session, it seems like we are not out of the danger zone just yet. I found the following: More couples will decide to divorce on January 12 than any other day, lawyers claim. This from the UK Telegraph 2008. So in one year the divorce has been delayed for 4 days. Mmmm, another 88 or so years and maybe we’ll make it through the year.

More seriously,

I find it terribly sad that a time that should be filled with joy is the time that can be the final straw. And did you notice from the quote that more than 60% of those people will still be unhappy? Unhappy and now also alone.

So my wish for this year is that we take time to remember why we decided to get married in the first place, make sure that we pay attention to each other and grow together, rather than apart.

Soppy, I know, but so be it.


  1. interesting....

    Ps - love the soppy part of this - I hope that for you too


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