My new issue

I subscribe to a couple of different newsletters. Photography, web coding, cooking, music and babies are just some of the subjects I can expect to find snuggling up in my inbox.

But when I signed up for a new design newsletter I got a little more than I bargained for. Okay, so not really, the content itself is actually about design, but what (of course) caught my eye was the subject proudly displayed between all the other new emails fighting for my attention.

It read: Your new issue.

Mmmm, I wondered. What could my new issue possibly be? Self-confidence? Body-image? The size of my feet? Besides, if there is one thing in this world I do not need help with, it is latching onto a new issue.

So thanks, the design info is great, but in future I will continue to handle my own new issues.

I’ll be handling my old ones as well, so don’t get any ideas.


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