Get back in your box!

Attending a talk about the length of a day and how time is measured earlier this evening, I must admit that time for me seemed to be passing rather slowly. A talk of about an hour can feel incredibly long when trying to hide how tired you feel. (Note to the presenter of the talk: I would have been yawing no matter the subject.)

One comment that stuck with me though, is the following quote: These bloody men are all the same; they are all flaming different. I don't remember who originally made this statement, but hearing it did bring a smile to my face.

The human race seems to be most comfortable when everything and everyone is neatly classified, nicely placed into a box. Many of us are quite comfortable in our box, the rest of us struggle day in and day out to make a difference, usually just ending up in the next box.

Does this mean that we should stop trying to get out of our boxes?


It simply means that we should start to care less about what box others think we belong in.

Besides, boxes are not all bad, and it's amazing what a coat of paint can do.


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