We went on a stargazing weekend to the Cederberg Observatory last weekend. The weather was kind, although cold, and we had clear skies the two nights we were there. So I decided to try my hand at astrophotography. I didn't think it would be easy - but what I didn't realise is that taking the photo is just the first part. The processing afterwards is as important. So you can imagine my disappointment when I opened the pics on my computer and mostly saw black with a dot here and there. And as I am very much a beginner at taking and processing star photos, these are not the best you'll find on the web even after processing, but I gave it a shot and will hopefully just get better and better and better and better... (All ISO400, f5.6, taken between 21h00 and 03h00 ) The belt and sword of Orion, just before they set. Canon EOS 350D standard lens, 5 second exposure, processed in PhotoShop. The Large Magellanic Cloud, a neighbouring galaxy (fuzzy blob). Canon EO...
Yesterday I followed a link to a Food24 page with details of Gordon Ramsay’s restaurant, Maze. The link was tweeted by @SamWilson1 commenting on the bad reviews following the dinner on Friday night. I read through many of the comments, and slowly I also started to form an opinion. I wasn’t at the dinner, but have a twitter friend that was thrilled to meet Mr. Ramsay at the Good Food and Wine Show at the CTICC: “it was awesome! I got him to autograph my book "Get the **** out of my kitchen". (Thanks @Janaquar for the pic.) So these are my thoughts, but first some background. Gordon Ramsay is one of the chefs who appeared at the Good Food and Wine Show at the CTICC last weekend, and people seem happy with the R300 (including Food Show entry) to watch him in the Chefs in Action Theatre. On Friday night there was a charity dinner at Maze (R1500 pp), where diners were let to believe they would be interacting with Mr. Ramsay and have a Question and Answer session. T...
What is 30 days of truth? I love that I can get excited about the most ridiculous things. I can lie on my tummy and watch an ant, I can make a huge mess while baking, because I'm enjoying the feel of the flour on my hands. I am a sucker for funfairs and candyfloss and the circus. Ant! And what is even better? I now have a two year old boy that gives me license to stop and look at the butterflies, mess with my hands in the sand, or jump up and down explaining just how cool the latest Thomas-trains (as my boy calls them) are. Now I'm not the crazy lady anymore. Now, by seeing the world like an enthusiastic child, I am an involved mommy. Now that's what I call win-win ;) 3 Things to be grateful for: 1. Above mentioned sprog took a nap this afternoon and gave me time to get some more work done. 2. Had a nice chat on the phone with my mom. 3. Girly TV time tonight, while hubbie is out (though I'll miss him dearly).
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