To protect and serve

I don't have much to say today. Well I do, but saying it will dilute what I really want to say, which is:

Thank you.

Thank you to hubbie's mom and brother for getting up at 2 in the morning to come assist us where our car broke down last night.

Thank you to the police that stopped and asked if we where all right. Thank you for taking hubbie to the petrol station to see if he could get help there. And thanks for bringing him back.

Thank you to the traffic department who stopped behind us and alerted traffic when the car trouble escalated and we ended up with no electric power (i.e. no lights) while the rain poured down.

Thanks to those same traffic cops for staying with us and who in the end had to push start hubbie's mom's car (don't ask), after the tow truck has already left with our car and my hubbie.

And thanks to my 1 year old little boy, who behave so well in the chaos that surrounded us.

Thank you to you all. You made what could have been a horrible night, bearable.

Now if anyone is still wondering what to get me for Christmas, a new car would be just perfect :)


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