Day 5: Something I hope to do in my life

The list is long. Very, very long. But since I've just been to Tina's concert (mentioned in day 4), I'm going go with music.

I want to record a CD.

And I want to do it myself.

Maybe I'll get some help from my 2 year old...

I play piano and clarinet and can bang a drum a bit and know at least three chords on the guitar, so with a little more practice (hubbie gave me a bass guitar last Christmas) I can cover the musical elements. (I'm not saying it's gonna be the best CD ever, just mine.)

I've been writing songs since I was a teenager, but would actually like to compose a new body of work for this album. The dining room is now a music room (never had a table anyway) with microphones, midi drums, guitars (electric, acoustic and bass), keyboard and even, I kid you not, a tambourine.

Everything is hooked up to the sound board and (admittedly not great) amp, so now I (read: hubbie) just have to add my computer and I can start recording.

I even have a deadline: by my 40th birthday. Sooner if it happens that way, but preferably not later. That gives me just a touch under 10 years.

Sounds long I know, but remember, I still have to learn to play some of these instruments and learn how to produce an reasonable album, not to mention writing the music, while "life" and everything else I also want to do also happens.

One step at a time though.

Does that mean I start at Doh?

3 things to be grateful for:

1. Sunny Sundays and restaurants with kiddie play areas.
2. Really, really slap chips. You know the disgusting kind with no colour and dripping with oil, too much salt and loads of vinegar. So, so good. Only trouble is, I can't find those at chip shops any more, which brings me to number three...
3. Hubbie's deep fat fryer ;)


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