Day 1: Something I hate about myself

What is 30 days of truth?

As a woman-person it would be too easy to say, "everything!" But, if I'm honest (and this is supposed to be the truth), many of these general "hates" are actually "strongly dislikes."

For one, I say "I hate my hips!" yet I eat a second slice of lemon meringue pie. "I hate my crooked toes!" but I walk barefoot regularly, toes in plain sight of anyone who wants to look.

So, something I hate must be something I actually want to/try to change.

Here it is: I hate that I can be extremely critical, sometimes on others; mostly on myself. Critical to the point of incapacitation. It is hard (and in some cases still impossible) to move on when I've come down this hard on myself.

I do believe that looking at yourself and what you produce is necessary, if you can be constructive and use this to improve. But sometimes I just deconstruct and leave myself too afraid to pick up the pieces. I hate that. I want to change that.

3 things to be grateful for:

1. Club meeting I led tonight went well.
2. I saw the near full moon, big and yellow and it was beautiful.
3. A husband that didn't answer when I asked: "so what about myself should I hate most?"


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