I admit I have been a bit quiet on the update front, in truth, I have been quiet on the blogging front as a whole, but here I am, and if you give me a couple of hours you'll see that I'm back, with avengeance...
That said, let's get back to the business at hand, the
365 photos update.
As I am nearing the halfway mark of the 365 photos challenge, I am both excited and disappointed. I am excited because some of the photos I have been taking with my cell phone are rather beautiful. I am disappointed because not all of my photos are beautiful. Some are downright awful.
But I'm here to learn and (hopefully) get better.
So here are my favourites since the last update:
Day 71 - Crane.
Pitty about the dirt on the car window it was
taken through, but still pretty I think. |
Day 75 - Shadow |
Day 76 - Colours in fibre optics |
Day 88 - Field
My favourite, favourite of this lot. |
Day 112 - S.w.ing!
Pure happiness. |
Day 126 - Red flower
One of those that at the time I thought
"a waste" but pretty in the end. |
And then, in the quest for improvement, I will go out on a limb and include what I believe to be the worst:
Day 66 - Red and yellow.
I mean, seriously? |
If you like to see more of this challenge, bounce to my
twitpic page (tagged: 365photos) or
follow me on twitter.
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