Day 3: Something I have to forgive myself for.

What is 30 days of truth?
Sitting here with my legs pulled up onto the chair, I have been mentally going through the (too long) list of "bad-things" I have done in my life.

There are many things I would not do again if given the choice (e.g. not studing for matric finals). There are those things that I still feel guilty about (not regularly drinking my thyroid meds during my first pregnancy, turns out it could have had an influence on baby-development ).

I really should have studied!

Even though there are many things I still struggle with, I cannot think of a single thing that I haven't forgiven myself for. I've never really operated in the realm of needing forgiveness from myself. Others: yes, myself: no.

But maybe there is something I should not forgive myself for. Something I should keep pushing for until I do something about it. And I think that is what I am trying to do, I just haven't found the words.

Not yet.

3 things to be grateful for:

1. A busy, busy day that ended well.

2. The feeling of calm I'm currently experiencing. 
3. SARS efiling.


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