
Showing posts from January, 2010

More stuck?

Didn't think it could happen, but I have now reached a point where I don't even really have anything to say. Yes, me, nothing to say. -----, -- ---- ----- -- ----- --- ----- ----, -----! Nothing.


It always works this way. The closer I get to doing something new - making a change in my life - the further I seem to go from doing it. Suddenly I have a lot of work demands. Suddenly I'm tired all the time. Suddenly tears start streaming down my cheeks when watching the silliest advert. Suddenly everything seems to stand in the way, and the goal just seems completely out of reach. None of these are particularly conducive to change. So I'm stuck. Again. Deep breath.

Get back in your box!

Attending a talk about the length of a day and how time is measured earlier this evening, I must admit that time for me seemed to be passing rather slowly. A talk of about an hour can feel incredibly long when trying to hide how tired you feel. (Note to the presenter of the talk: I would have been yawing no matter the subject.) One comment that stuck with me though, is the following quote: These bloody men are all the same; they are all flaming different. I don't remember who originally made this statement, but hearing it did bring a smile to my face. The human race seems to be most comfortable when everything and everyone is neatly classified, nicely placed into a box. Many of us are quite comfortable in our box, the rest of us struggle day in and day out to make a difference, usually just ending up in the next box. Does this mean that we should stop trying to get out of our boxes? No. It simply means that we should start to care less about what box others think we belong in. Besi...

Here's to the new year

I may have mentioned before, that somehow this year just wouldn't start for me. I did new years, lifted my glass (although it was 7 minutes past the hour) and even made a resolution: being happy. So I had high hopes for the weekend past. Our holiday for the year transition existed out of a whirlwind astronomical tour. With way too much luggage (sprogs need a lot of crap) we boarded the bus on Friday morning and put foot on Cape Town soil last night again. I am tired as hell this day. As stars are viewed at night (with exception of our sun of course) and I have now learnt that my sproglet hardly sleeps* during the day while on tour, I think the excessive yawning on my part can be forgiven. The bad news: I can't become a proper astronomer**, and I so badly want to today. The good news: Even through my sleepy eyes I think I can see this new year at last. So I lift my glass one more time: Happy New Year! * He must have been seriously tired though, coz he has been sleep...

Oh right, that's what it's about

Since this is my blog, I guess I can write about whatever I want. Yes? Yes. The thing is, in the end the title I chose is Life Quest (and other stuff) and NOT O ther Stuff (and life quest) . I seemed to have forgotten this a little, so here goes an attempt to get back on track. (Deep breath, here I go.) What do I want from life? Happiness: definitely. Wealth: enough to be comfortable. Cheese: of course. Is that it? Should that be it? How do I get it? Mmmm, time to dust of the cobwebs from my cranial cavity and do some thinking. What do they say... Have you ever stopped to think and forgot to start again?

My new issue

I subscribe to a couple of different newsletters. Photography, web coding, cooking, music and babies are just some of the subjects I can expect to find snuggling up in my inbox. But when I signed up for a new design newsletter I got a little more than I bargained for. Okay, so not really, the content itself is actually about design, but what (of course) caught my eye was the subject proudly displayed between all the other new emails fighting for my attention. It read: Your new issue. Mmmm, I wondered. What could my new issue possibly be? Self-confidence? Body-image? The size of my feet? Besides, if there is one thing in this world I do not need help with, it is latching onto a new issue. So thanks, the design info is great, but in future I will continue to handle my own new issues. I’ll be handling my old ones as well, so don’t get any ideas.

Busy day for lawyers

I read on fellow blogger Shell’s blog that today is the busiest day for divorce lawyers. The quote reads: A study has shown that January 8th is the busiest day of the year for divorce lawyers when up to one in five couples will enquire about divorce after the pressures of Christmas. The enforced intimacy of Christmas, coupled with the start of a new year is thought to be the main trigger. The other peak in the year is after the summer holidays. Adultery, lack of sex, abuse and boredom were the main causes of divorce enquiries. Studies show that fewer than 40% of those who divorce will be happier. Daily Telegraph 8th January 2007 It really doesn’t help that in SA Christmas/new year and summer holidays just happen to be at the same time. But, I am thankful to say that this year I will not be visiting the lawyer’s office. Partly because I still don’t have a car and there is no way I’m walking in this heat, but mostly because hubbie and I are in a really good place. Combine th...

Today’s gonna be a good good day

There are some songs you instantly like. You hear the first opening notes of the intro and your ears tingle in anticipation of what is to come. Then there are the songs you instantly despise. You hear the first notes and in an attempt of self protection you cover your ears with your hands and mumble, my ears are bleeding, my ears are bleeding. Then there’s the other type. The grow-on-you type. Upon first listen you might think: what colour of crap is this? But as time passes, you find yourself humming along when it comes on the radio, and before you know it you are belting it out in the shower. I Gotta Feeling by the Black Eyed Peas is one of those songs. I gotta feeling... That tonight's gonna be a good night That tonight's gonna be a good night That tonight's gonna be a good good night And it has reached the point where it not only reinforces the possibility of a good good night. I have even cunningly adapted it for daytime use. Thank you, Black Eyed Peas.

Bitch - very friendly

While waiting in the car for hubby to grab some essentials from our corner shop, I noticed the following poster: Found. Tan Staffie. Bitch. Very friendly. Call... Bitch. Very friendly. Now that's something I can aspire to.