What’s in a name and all that

I was watching TV last night. A programme on weight loss. Now, as you may have figured out by now, I am indeed of the female persuasion, so me watching weight loss TV should come as no surprise. Just about (if not) every woman I know have some form of (ridiculous) fascination with weight loss. Myself included.

From the couch, half asleep, head propped up on my leg, my hubbie gave his two cents worth: “I know why he overeats. It’s because of the emotional scarring his parents caused when they gave him that name.”

Tact is not always a requirement, especially when talking ‘bout someone on TV we are highly unlikely to meet.

I also recently read an article about a company offering a “meaning of name” service, making sure that the name you choose for your child does not have some dreadful meaning in some obscure language. Personally I think we should stop worrying about the meaning and choose a name we like, one that our kids hopefully won’t be laughed at too often for (never is too close to wishful thinking).

All of this got me thinking about my own name. There are beliefs and schools of thought that your name plays a huge roll in your success, life path and general happiness. Some even go as far as to say that you would have lived an entirely different life if one letter in your name was different. Although that might be from a sci-fi book.

Since I can remember I have been called Suki. My full name was reserved for exclamations of alarm. I was a couple of years old before I realised that my name was indeed my name, and didn’t mean something like stop, don’t touch or no. But what if a letter was different? Would I have a better life? Or worse?

I wonder…

Till next time
Sooki :)


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