A little sentimental

I am not particularly sentimental. When my dad died three years ago and I was asked if there was anything of his I would like, I couldn’t think of anything. A couple of months ago I borrowed my dad’s binoculars from my mom. For a little while I thought: Ha, I found it! Something to remember my dad by. This thought passed when I realised that I could buy binoculars better suited to my needs.

It’s not that I don’t like stuff. I love stuff. Someone just doesn’t live on for me in stuff.

So if our house was burning and my hubbie and kiddo (and cats) were safe, what would I grab? My handbag so that I have my ID and bank card. Next probably my computer tower (for the files), screen and keyboard etc. can easily be replaced, so they stay behind. If I get round to putting important docs like wills and insurance details etc. in a convenient place, I’d probably grab those too. Not romantic I know, but, I should already be wearing my wedding ring, so that counts right?

But tonight was a little different.

As I was putting the kid to bed, I started singing a Christmas hymn. About half way I ran out of words. I tried another. About two phrases and my memory let me down. On the third try I made it all the way through the first verse of a song. No more.

It saddened me. I should know more than a few snippets of Christmas songs.

So I’ll be printing out the words of a few carols so that we can sing it on Christmas Eve with the family. Maybe I am sentimental after all.

But if not at Christmas, when hey?


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