12 days to pass Christmas

(Counting today.)

With the countdown to Christmas getting closer to zero, my hubbie and I fell into the world of present shopping yesterday. If you are thinking: they left it a bit late, you would be wrong. In my world, any Christmas shopping happening more than three days before thee day can be considered as early.

Both of us love giving presents, and usually armed with lists and lists (I love lists) we venture into the shops doing our best to find a present that says something about the person. As we understand them at least.

As we go down the list, considering interests and hobbies, likes and dislikes, and trying to keep in mind reactions to previous gifts, we easily can spend a whole day wondering from shop to shop, making notes of candidate gifts. Over a coffee, or beer (well cider for me as I don’t like beer) we will then discuss the merits of the gifts, and then (after the coffee) return to the shops to make the purchases. (Now that I think of it, I don’t like coffee either, but I will drink a latte.)

We rarely ask people what they want, and definitely do not ask what they need (to my mother’s dismay). Christmas is about giving, not what is needed, but what you want to give. The gift you receive is a little glimpse into what the giver thinks of you.

I realise that not everyone thinks that way, or at least I hope they don’t, simply because I don’t like what a bunch of gift vouchers say about me. It’s too specific a value. I’d rather receive a 20 buck gift that is filled with thought (probably not even realising it costs 20 bucks), than a 100 buck gift because it was convenient.

As they say: it’s the thought that counts. And to me the thought counts and says a lot.

So, there you have it.

Preferably no vouchers please. If you have to, rather just hand me the cash.


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