And then there were none

When the rain came down yesterday morning, I decided that the Athlone cooling towers had to go down without me. But, as the time drew near, the rain took a break and hubbie and I quickly grabbed the camera, binoculars, telescope and toddler and off we went.

Figuring that since it’s pretty far away, Tygerberg hill would be a good (read quiet) call. It would turn out we were not the only ones with this thought. At 11h30 there were people everywhere. After some double parking to unload, I took the car to a slightly more legal spot and scampered back.

Then we waited.

Shouting. Towers falling. The thunderous sound only hitting a couple of seconds later. Dust. It was all over.

Here are some of the pics Hubbie (@gavlock) took. He used our Canon EOS 350D in drive mode, shutter speed: 1/4000 sec, ISO: 400,  attached to a Skywatcher aperture 10 inch, focal length 1200mm telescope.

And in the spirit of my 365photos challenge, I snapped a before and after shot with my cell phone. And yes, I did put a telescope in the way :)

(The black “shadows” in the cell phone pics are because I couldn’t quite get the eye relief right through the eyepiece while trying to hold the phone still. Will have to practice some more.)


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