August resolution: keeping cool (longer version)

January: Being happy – I am, you know.
February: Sexy sleep wear – Hubbie says the (very warm) teddy bear one is cute…Will get back on track.
March: Read squash rules – Done and playing again tomorrow morning.
April: Donate clothes - Done. Should probably sort the “maybes” now.
May: Plant flowers – Did it. AND the plant IS still alive.
June: Figuring out “What do I want?” – First list done; will revisit from time to time.
July: 365 photos challenge: Still going strong

August: keeping cool (or: don’t get angry)

The truth is you already know this. My “short version” of the other day would have clued you in. But I do feel the need to expand a little. I’m sure by now you have simply written me off as a “crazy person” - aiming for the impossible.

Maybe. But it’s not about never getting angry (although that would be nice). It’s more about dealing with feelings before they turn into anger.

You see, I’m a “bottle-upper.” I keep calm for a long time, often during major events, and then blow my top when hubbie brings back Coke Zero instead of Coke Light* from the shop.

This I want to change.

What I want to learn to do instead is communicate little annoyances and frustrations at (or close to) the time they occur, before they can sit and stew and become anger. I want to feel my feelings as they happen, but understand and control negative behaviour and hopefully turn it into positive energy.
Coz let’s face it, if I keep my cool I would probably be able to sort out a situation much faster, but also without looking like a raging pregnant woman** whose last Twinkie was stolen.

So this is it, I am trying. And even though I have been frustrated, I haven’t thrown any toys out of my cot this week. And I hope to keep it up.

But before I go, here are two quotes I’ve recently heard that has spoken to me:

From Flash Forward (yes the TV show) – “If you can solve all your problems with money, you are doing pretty good.”

And from Shazzie’s blog – “A truly happy person is one who can enjoy the scenery on a detour.”

Makes ya think, hey?

*About that. It did happen that hubbie brought home the wrong Coke, but I didn't get angry. Not at all.

**I’m not pregnant, but I’m hoping to be. Soon.  


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