Day39 – A 365photos challenge update

The 365photos started out as a fun, creative project, but now it would seem that it wants to be more.

The basic rules still apply, take a pic a day, upload to Twitpic. But I am starting to feel that the photos must not just be a happy snappy, but proper photography. And seeing what people out there can do with just a cell phone, I know that I can do better. That said – pics of the cats and kid will still make the cut :)

I’m also very happy to say that @Robi27 has joined the cause. She’s also tagging pics #365photos, so have a look!

Now, a few of my favourites from photos I took over the past two weeks:

Day27 Blue Sky

 Day28 Tree

Day32 Lights

Day34 Innocent Hands

And because a self portrait was bound to make its appearance…

Day38 Self Portrait (more extreme phone effects)

I also have to amend my rules a bit.
  • When I forget (happened once so far on Day 21) then I must simply send in an extra pic the next day.
  • I will still do blog posts about the challenge, but it will be closer to every 2-3 weeks.

A last thought…

@janaquar asked whether I have themes or topics that guide what I shoot. I haven’t had any so far, but here’s my current idea. When I can’t find a “photographic” pic to take (or the kid won’t stand still), I’ll take a photo to use on my blog, as many of my entries do not have an image at all. So two birds and all that :)

And a last, last thought… (had to be done)

If you have any ideas of how to make the 365photos challenge better, or can come of with a theme or two, please throw them my way, here or on Twitter.

Better go take today's pic, so happy "photographic" snapping!


  1. Thanks for inspiring my 1+1+1 for 365 project.
    The pictures you have already included here are lovely!

  2. I inspired! I can die happy now. Loved the pic of your kitty from yesterday.

    (Peeps, check out Lee's expansion of the 365 challenge by clicking her name in her comment. She's aiming to out do me, but I'll pretend to not notice...)


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