So what do I want? The June resolution.

January: Being happy – more happy than not (except yesterday, which was a sad day).
February: Sexy sleep wear – got nice winter ones.
March: Read squash rules – read it, been sick and not playing, will start next week again.
April: Donate clothes - Done.
May: Plant flowers - see pic below. (Was planted last day of May - still counts!)

And so we get to June

And yes, I realise that we have almost made it through this month of June, but the resolution is intact, because I have already started on it. So, you say, get to the point: what do you want for June?

Well. That's exactly it. What do I want for June? What do I want for any month of the year? What do I want from life?

What do I want?

So I started looking at this question. And I'm even trying to answer it. And it's during the answering that I realised this is not something you complete in a month. But because of the potential scope, it is something we often side step. Ignore. Hide from.

And 20 years later we "happily" complain about not having what we want, but we never really tried to find out what it is we wanted in the first place.

So I've started. I am trying.

I doubt that I will be able to give a definitive answer, but I'm willing to give it a shot. And maybe I'll figure a few things out. Maybe I'll take another step on this "Life Quest" I find myself on.

One thing I do know: I want a kick ass, down to the ground, goth (and therefore preferably black), warm, (did I mention kick ass?) coat.

It's a start...


  1. It's so true! We always feel like something's missing. Sometimes it takes looking at what you want to make you appreciate the things you already have.


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