The light side

In my previous post I was feeling a little sad about the state of the world around me, but even though I am not a day-to-day soccer fan, the FIFA World Cup has put a spring in my step.

I wasn't near a stadium on Friday, but we trotted down to our local Dros (a restaurant, but more importantly a restaurant with TVs) and settled with the other patrons, ready for the opening match between South Africa and Mexico. There were flags, vuvuzelas, badges and soccer shirts (mostly green and yellow) where ever you looked.

There were singing, clapping, gasps, blowing of vuvuzelas, the shouting of "off-side" (possibly randomly) and cheering.

The whole place was filled with spirit. With cooperation. With love. With support.

And although it would have been nice if it ended in victory for South Africa, an end result of 1-1 was not all that bad.

Now, if we are being honest, I was in the minority, wearing black rather than green and yellow. But I'm Goth, and green and yellow are simply not colours you'll find anywhere in my wardrobe. But not far into the match I borrowed a headband with two little SA flags sticking up like antennae. Cool? Doubt it. Sexy? No.

Exactly what I should have been wearing at that specific moment? Yes.

Because it is not soccer that brings us together as a country. It is our willingness to show our support of one another, even if it makes you look like a black bug with flags sticking out of your head.

And it is great.

The flags from the buildings and cars, the mirror flags (I've got those too) football Friday and so many other ways we as country are showing our support makes me want to do that little dance.

I'm ready now, I got some green and yellow clip-in highlights for my hair. I think it would look just lovely against the black. And I've created a South African "Wave your flag" twitter background (download here), not just because I can. Because I wanted to.

And then there's the vuvuzelas. I don't need to say much about it, Running Wolf, SoccerBlog, 6000 and so many others have already said what needed to be said. But if you really want to know, I don't mind it that much. Yes, I would prefer that no one aim one directly at my inner ear and after say 23h00 till about 08h00 I also do not appreciate them much, but listening to the hum of thousands of vuvuzelas: that I actually find quite calming.

Hell, we even bought one yesterday...


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