WARNING: Excessive use of the word: "Fuck".

Found this on a friend's blog yesterday and immediately felt it had to be shared with the world. So off to Twitter I bounced.

Except that sending the tweet was harder than I initially thought.

If you where brave, and clicked the link above, you would have realised that the "joke" is based on an understanding of WTF - or then, What The Fuck.

So when tweeting the link, I was going to put down "What The Fuck" and the link. Except that I couldn't get myself to do it.

My fingers refused to add the u.c.k after the F.

Now please understand that I do not have a problem with others using "fuck" and will personally use it in a sentence probably at least once a day. (The sentence being: "Fuck!") I know it is not the politest of words, but then again, we don't use it to be nice. That said, other than being crude, there is technically nothing wrong with saying "fuck." It is not a sin.

What I find worse than someone using "fuck" is someone "not" using "fuck."

You know what I mean. Things like: F***. Fcuk. Effing. Ef. Fudge. Ef-You-See-Kay, even. Oh, and then the made-up swear words like, "oh my biggityboops" or when people SAY: "Oh, F dot dot dot". Use it, or don't, but this hanging between two worlds, not on people.

But even so, when it comes to typing "fuck" I have issues. Leaving (character on screen or pen mark on paper) proof of my "fuck"-usage, just doesn't sit right with me.

So after chickening out yesterday and simply putting WTF in the tweet, I did a bit of soul searching (this IS a life quest after all) and came to the conclusion that if I am willing to say it, I must be willing to write it.

In a way put my money where my (dirty) mouth is.

So, as you may have noticed (or may not have, really depends on the type of person you are), I decided to go for it. So here it is (read quickly before I lose my nerve):


Sigh. I think that was it. I am now even going to try to use it less after stumping my toe or dropping a dozen eggs on the floor. Maybe I'll even become a "biggytyboops" or "effing" person. Who knows, it's only just after three on a Friday afternoon now, anything can happen.

But before I put this whole thing to rest, please, oh please-please, do not use the Afrikaans version anywhere I can hear or read it. "Fuck" simply sounds too much like what you are trying to say in Afrikaans.

So (please once again), stay away from "vok" unless you are doing-it to Koos Kombuis.

For fuck's sake.


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