What do I want?

On Sunday night I met up with some friends to have silly conversations and eat too much sushi (if there is such a thing).

At some point the conversation got serious. My friend across the table from me stated that turning 40 in a few weeks time actually is a big thing for her. That "40" is really the first time an age seems to matter.

Of course, I'll be turning 30 about 2 weeks earlier, and although I don't see it as old, I do ask myself what I have to show for it.

And now, after a fun (partly serious) evening with old (that's long-time) friends, I suddenly feel like an idiot for asking.

What do I need to show?

Do I want to sky-dive or climb Kilimanjaro?
I have sky-dived and my sister climbed that specific mountain, so I guess that's covered.

Do I want to be famous?
Well, 2 (maybe even 3) people read this blog, so close enough.

Do I want to be rich?

But why this drive to say: "well done" and give ourselves a gold star? Do we really need to be the best or the smartest or the prettiest or the most successful? Can't we forget for a moment about what the world says we should want and just focus on what we actually want? If it is to be the best or the smartest or the prettiest or the most successful, than great for you, go for it...

...but the truth is (as my new year's resolution stated): I want to be happy.

And you know, I am getting there.



  1. Nice to see your blog - you became a bit of inspiration - so check out for 'bloumaandagstories' about a day or two from now.

  2. Sal my ogies oophou :)

    i.e. Will do!


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