The kinda answer to "So what do I want?"

My June resolution was to make an attempt at figuring out what I want. I didn’t think I’ll be able to get the answer in as short a time as a month, but it was about making a start. Taking the first step.

What do I want?
I want to be happy...
·         Not fight
·         Let go
·         Be myself
·         Have confidence

I want my family to be happy...
·         Spend time together, do things together
·         Listen and pay attention
·         Be supportive
·         Cook well

I want to feel good about myself...
·         Take care of my appearance
·         Define my style
·         Work on my body image
·         Lose weight
·         Get fitter

I want to live well...
·         De-clutter
·         Decorate our home
·         Use the space and storage
·         Do gardening

I want to feel like I have accomplished something...
·         Get published (my own thoughts on paper, as I am online on and have my name on a couple of school text books)
·         Do art (photography, painting, drawing)
·         Write music and home record a CD
·         Finish projects that I start :)

I want to grow my business...
·         Show confidence in my skills
·         Learn new skills
·         Advertise and get the work
·         Make use of social networks
·         Charge what I am worth
·         Have good work relationships and communication
·         Have an office I'm proud of

And I guess it can’t be complete without

·         Make more money

So there it is: the first step. This list will probably change as I continue on my life quest, but what do they say about putting things in writing? I don’t remember, but it’s out there now.

By the way, I found a coat. Not quite kick ass, but a good start.


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