And we're up to 5... (52 weeks of me)

Lens reflections

5 down, 47 to go.

Continuing to come up with new ideas and concepts will definitely improve my overall photography skills, and I believe posing myself will help me to better convey ideas when I photograph others.

For a long time I saw myself as I graphic designer who also take photos. Others called me a photographer. Others hired me as a photographer, but I still had to make the transition in my mind. I have.

I am designer. I am photographer.

So I give you lens reflections. My reflection in one of my lenses, on my camera, actual picture taken with my cell phone (was to lazy to take out my back-up camera, sorry).

This photo feels like a glimpse of what is to come. I am photographer. I am capturing the present, creating a record of the past, but moving forward into the future.


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