May resolution

January: Being happy – had some less than shiny feelings lately. Getting better.

February: Sexy sleep wear – mostly good, but need something nice for the colder nights.

March: Read squash rules – did it, still confused, but still playing.

April: Donate clothes to charity – did it with a photo finish on the last day of April, but it’s done.

Now for May: Plant some flowers. Not making promises they’ll grow.

If you know me, you will also know I have the absolute worst luck with growing plants. I have the extreme super power of black fingers. Plants come near me and simply give up as this is better than the death than awaits them if they actually let me try and take care of them.

But it’s not all bad. We started a veggie garden a few months ago, and most of the plants are doing well. I only killed Fennel, Coriander, Tomatoes (but they had a very small chance of survival) and 2 of 8 Marigold plants (see, 6 are still doing well). But after having pizza topped with veggies from our garden (best pizza ever!), and last night curry with veggies from our garden, I think I am ready to try the flower thing again.

I have some flower seed mix that can with some imagination be planted it May (it says Autumn on the packet) so, while it is still May, I will endeavour to get them in the ground. And with the rain lending a hand there might even be a chance they’ll survive, coz it is likely I’ll forget to water them. Then again the cold could kill them (if I don’t first), but it is a chance I’ll have to take.

So here I go. Hopefully in Spring I can report an array of beautiful flowers in my front garden. If I don’t mention them, maybe rather don’t ask…


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