Cue the dramatic music...

A couple of days ago I posted my 100th picture in a #100happydays project. 

It was a decent 100 days. Not without some sadness, but on the whole: good. 

I ended with my little family - a selfie where all 4 or us was looking at the camera (where's the apple logo kids? - it was taken with my phone) and my son doesn't have his mouth open. That's pretty impressive. 

But, and I know this is silly, I thought I would feel more of an accomplishment. 

I mean, for a 100 days consecutively I took pictures and posted them to Facebook, Twitter and of course Instagram (where these kinda pics lives). Some was pretty, some was pretty awesome, some was pretty, well, mundane. But still, shouldn't I feel more... complete?

So now I'm siting here wondering - where is the dramatic music? Where is the upswell to the climax?

And then I realise - this is purely the start. 100 days, hardly a blimp, but enough to build on. To keep trying, to work towards the transformation I do long for. 

One day at a time, that's what gets you to 100. Or 1000. Or 10000...

One day, to get me to oneday. 


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