
Showing posts from August, 2010

August resolution: keeping cool (longer version)

January:   Being happy – I am, you know. February:   Sexy sleep wear – Hubbie says the (very warm) teddy bear one is cute…Will get back on track. March:   Read squash rules – Done and playing again tomorrow morning. April:   Donate clothes - Done. Should probably sort the “maybes” now. May:   Plant flowers – Did it. AND the plant IS still alive. June:   Figuring out “What do I want?” – First list done; will revisit from time to time. July: 365 photos challenge: Still going strong August: keeping cool (or: don’t get angry) The truth is you already know this. My “ short version ” of the other day would have clued you in. But I do feel the need to expand a little. I’m sure by now you have simply written me off as a “crazy person” - aiming for the impossible. Maybe. But it’s not about never getting angry (although that would be nice). It’s more about dealing with feelings before they turn into anger. You see, I’m a “bottle-upper.” I keep calm for a lo...

August resolution: keeping cool (short version)

I'm being tested... After typing a rather hefty post, my lovely browser decided to crash. I was not worried, because blogger claimed it did save the post. As Murphy would have it, the title and labels where intact, but the complete body: just gone. Add to this the fact that I usually type my blog posts in a word processor and then just paste when I upload, but (of course) today didn't, this would be the perfect time to grab the screen and plunge it through the nearest window. But, to quote Alanis Morissette, it is a little bit ironic (or maybe just coincidence?), because the missing post was about not getting angry. No way I can get angry now...

Day39 – A 365photos challenge update

The 365photos started out as a fun, creative project, but now it would seem that it wants to be more. The basic rules still apply, take a pic a day, upload to Twitpic . But I am starting to feel that the photos must not just be a happy snappy, but proper photography. And seeing what people out there can do with just a cell phone, I know that I can do better. That said – pics of the cats and kid will still make the cut :) I’m also very happy to say that @Robi27 has joined the cause. She’s also tagging pics #365photos, so have a look! Now, a few of my favourites from photos I took over the past two weeks: Day27 Blue Sky  Day28 Tree Day32 Lights Day34 Innocent Hands And because a self portrait was bound to make its appearance… Day38 Self Portrait (more extreme phone effects) I also have to amend my rules a bit. When I forget (happened once so far on Day 21) then I must simply send in an extra pic the next day. I will still do blog posts about the challenge, but it will b...

And then there were none

When the rain came down yesterday morning, I decided that the Athlone cooling towers had to go down without me. But, as the time drew near, the rain took a break and hubbie and I quickly grabbed the camera, binoculars, telescope and toddler and off we went. Figuring that since it’s pretty far away, Tygerberg hill would be a good (read quiet) call. It would turn out we were not the only ones with this thought. At 11h30 there were people everywhere. After some double parking to unload, I took the car to a slightly more legal spot and scampered back. Then we waited. Shouting. Towers falling. The thunderous sound only hitting a couple of seconds later. Dust. It was all over. Here are some of the pics Hubbie ( @gavlock ) took. He used our Canon EOS 350D in drive mode, shutter speed: 1/4000 sec, ISO: 400,  attached to a Skywatcher aperture 10 inch, focal length 1200mm telescope. And in the spirit of my 365photos chal...

Still alive

This is going to be short, since the title should reveal what I needed to say. (“Still alive” is a song I was introduced to through a computer game, and I will elaborate one day, when our router is replaced and I have more than a very finicky dial-up connection.) But I will say that we going through one of those periods in life where you stop being surprised when yet another tropical fruit or piece of animal waste hits the fan. But, to quote a certain little forgetful fish, we keep on swimming, swimming, swimming… Till next time, wish me luck :)