Aha! says the clown

What's your "aha moment" for 2018? was the question in the air last night. 

I was at a Girl Geek Dinner, behind my camera as usual (although I have decided to take a bit of a break from that), and listening to break-throughs of the year. From being okay with missing out, and even relishing in it (JOMO), to stepping into who others have seen you to be for ages, to realising your path is not someone else's path, the revelations kept coming. 

Of course I couldn't hear other's thoughts on the subject without starting to delve into my own. 

I suppose one of the biggest realisations I've had is that I not only can, but actually should, say no. Not all the time, not to everything, but if I don't want the same things to happen, or the same people to take advantage, I will have to be the one to step up and say: "enough already, I have my shit to deal with, you deal with yours." 

A quote I recently saw that sums this up reasonably well is: what you allow is what will continue. 

I don't know who said it first, I don't know who said it second. I don't know who said it at all... but it resonates. 

Or as a good friend has been pointing out to me lately: if it's not my circus, I really should not take responsibility for the monkeys. 

If I do, I'll end up being the clown...

What are your "aha moments" for the past year? Give it a think. 

Photo from www.pexels.com
Suki Lock - Jagged Daisy ::/


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