April Resolution
Resolutions so far this year: January = being happy. This nearly derailed last night when my one year old got hold of my phone and somehow thought mommy would just love teeth marks over the touch screen. The worst of it, I can't be angry with the teething one year old, I have to be angry with myself for not putting the bloody phone out of reach. Deep breath. I'm back. Smile. Happy. February = sexy sleepwear. After painting the bedroom wall in my silk nighty and getting purple paint over it I'm not sure it quite counts as sexy, but at least there are no hello kitties in sight. March = read rules of squash. I came, I read, I'm more confused than ever. So we get to April and I feel in the giving mood. Therefore... April resolution = donate unused clothes to charity. Now before you start patting me on the back (but please get that itchy spot below the right shoulder blade while you are there), I actually have already cleared out my closet (apart from the skeleto...